
Published Jul 20, 2018 Updated May 4, 2021

Cars stuck in traffic.
Shutterstock/Wang Song

我们的运输系统——我们将人员和货物从A地运送到B地的方式——已经过时了, congested, and unreliable. 它是全球变暖排放的最大来源,也是该地区危害健康的空气污染的主要来源.

It’s time for an upgrade. Working together, we can build a modern, clean, 以及为每个人服务的公平的交通系统. Investing in solutions like cleaner cars, buses, and trucks as well as reliable trains, 安全的步行和自行车道在世界其他国家也奏效了.


UCS is working with environmental, labor, business, health, 公平和正义组织倡导常识性的政策解决方案,以清洁我们的交通系统,并使其为每个人服务. With diverse stakeholders at the table, we can build a clean, 在东北和中大西洋各州建立了可靠和便捷的交通系统. 

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